‘24-‘25 Season (Sept-June) Schedule

This is a live viewing of our classes for our Full 2024-25 season that runs September 6th through June 8th. Classes will be updated should they become filled in real time! You can use the search filters to sort classes by age, subject or day of the week. If a class is filled a “waitlist” option will be presented. Trial options are now available for many subjects: $10 for classes 45 minutes or less, $15 for 1 hour or more classes. These trial fees will be credited to your account if you decide to register for the class. **If you do not see a “Schedule Trial” for the class you’re interested in, please call us at 732-349-1140 or chat us on our website. The class may be at max capacity, have certain skills or age restrictions**. If you have any questions, you can always call the studio or make a personal appointment to discuss! In person registration dates are Tuesday 7/30; Thursday 8/8; Tuesday 8/20 6:00-8:00pm.

These classes are paid in a 10 month tuition plan or paid in full for the year  by September 6th with a 10% discount.

Looking for Aerial Silks or Adult Classes? Visit here!