For All Information on Pictures, Rehearsals & Recital!Tdc Presents Banner


Picture Day Schedule & Order Info – Sunday June 1, 2025

Class and individual pictures will be held at Lacey High School, (73 Haines St. Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734) on Sunday June 1st. Pictures will be in costume and dance shoes.

Here is the schedule

Online ordering form: Shared soon!

Dress Rehearsals- Sunday June 1, 2025

Dress rehearsal will be held at Lacey High School, (73 Haines St. Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734) on Sunday June 1st. Dress rehearsal is when dancers rehearse their routines on stage in their costumes and in their appropriate dance shoes. This allows them to prepare for the recital and be aware of what the stage will be like for spacing.

We combine dress rehearsal with dancer’s picture day for ease of costumes. Dancers will take their photo in their costume first, and then they will go on the stage to practice their dances.

Here is the schedule for the dress rehearsal and picture days, please note the photo time and stage time.

Recital T-Shirts

Recital T-shirts are available to order! They can be purchased online in our parent portal or use a form with cash or check to submit at the front desk. Orders are being accepted until Monday April 14th.

Dance with Me participants who will be on stage, we ask that you order a recital shirt to wear on stage with your dancer. 

Recital Flowers

Coming soon!

A Blossom Shop in Bayville provides flowers for sale and order. Payment is due upon pick up of the Flowers at the show!

Program Boosters/Shout Outs!

Coming soon!

Give your dancer a shoutout in our program. Programs will be printed in black and white and the digital program will be in color.

Recital Video

On the day of the shows, June 7th & 8th  there will be no photography or videography permitted in the auditorium. This is a safety issue for our dancers, and it will inconvenience other audience members to see your phone screens in the air as their child dances. Sit back & relax, be in the moment as your dancer performs. I can assure you they will be able to see you from the stage, & they would rather see your smiles than phones.

We will have all the performances professionally filmed.

For 1 price of $40 you’ll get access to all 3 performances to download when production is complete. Sales end June 10th!

Online order will be open soon!

Recital Show Breakout

This year, we will be hosting 3 performances on the weekend of Saturday June 7, 2025 & Sunday June 8, 2025 at Lacey High School 73 Haines St, Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 – Saturday June 7th will have a 12pm and 4pm show. Sunday June 8th will have a 1pm show.

Jr Combo classes will be performing Saturday June 7th, 12:00pm &  Sunday June 8th, 1:00pm. These schedule choices were made to give many families the chance to see all their children perform in a show together and to account for students who are taking classes across multiple levels.

All level 1 classes and higher (Ballet 1, Tap 1, Acro 1, Musical Theater Beg, Hip Hop Beg 1-2, etc) are in the Saturday June 7th 4:00pm show & Sunday June 8th 1:00pm show

Competition Team Routines will be performed across the 3 shows.

Dancers can start to arrive 45 minutes prior to the start of the show. Doors for the audience open 30minutes prior to the start of the show. 

Show Breakouts – this is a listing of routines that will be in each show, this is NOT the order of the routines going on stage.

Saturday June 7th 12:00PM Show

Show runtime approx 1.5 hours

This show will include:
  • Dance with me Tues 4pm
  • Dance with me Sat 11am
  • Preballet/Tap (3-4) Tues 5-6pm
  • Preballet and Tap (3-4) Fri 445pm & Sat 930am
  • Preballet and Tap (4-5) Wed 430pm
  • Tiny HH- Wed 530pm & Sat 11am
  • Jr Combo HH & Acro (5-6)- Tues 430pm
  • Jr Combo (5-6)- Ballet-Tap-Jazz- Thurs & Sat
  • Jr Combo Acro (5-6)- Tues 5pm & Sat 9am
  • Pointe 2-3 & 4-6 – Th 630pm & Th 845pm
  • The Jacksons- Team production jazz
  • The Dark Fae- Acro prod
  • Hip Hip Chin Chin- TN/SR Tap
  • Princess Pop- Mini HH
  • Sponge Bob- Mini MT
  • Never letting Go- TN/SR Lyrical
  • A Tale of Two Feathers- Pet/JR MT
  • Lost Pet/JR Contemp Sm gp


Saturday June 7th 4:00PM Show

Show runtime approx 3 hrs

This show will include:
  • All Level 1 Classes & Higher
  • The Jacksons- Team production
  • Poison Ivy- Mini Tap
  • My Boyfriends Back- Mini Jazz
  • Pet Tap- Trashing the Camp
  • Via Dela Rosa- Pet/JR Lyrical
  • The Real Housewives- Pet/JR Jazz lg gp
  • Amsterdam- Pet/Jr Contemporary
  • Listen- Pet/JR Lyrical sm gp
  • Spy Kids- Pet/Jr HH
  • Danger Zone- JR Tap
  • Mad Hatter- Pet/JR/TN Jazz sm gp
  • SR solo Taylor – Evening I will not forget- contempt
  • SR solo Taylor – The Line- Jazz


Sunday June 8th 1:00PM Show

Show runtime approx 3 hrs

This show will include:
  • All Level 1 Classes & Higher
  • Jr Combo HH & Acro (5-6)- Tues 430pm
  • Jr Combo (5-6)- Ballet-Tap-Jazz- Thurs & Sat
  • Jr Combo Acro (5-6)- Tues 5pm & Sat
  • All level 1 and higher recital classes
  • The Jacksons- Team production jazz
  • The Dark Fae- Acro prod
  • Splash Splash- Pre-team Jazz
  • The Glow- Mini Lyrical
  • Deva- TN/SR Lg gp Jazz
  • Far From the Altar- TN/SR Contemporary
  • Keep me Sane- TN/SR Contemporary
  • Never letting Go- TN/SR Lyrical
  • I Surrender- TN/SR Lyrical
  • The Longing – TN/SR ballet Co
  • Spell Block Tango- TN/SR MT
  • Evolution of Britany- TN/SR HH
  • Tyla- TN/SR/JR HH sm gp

Recital Tickets

When Do Tickets Go On Sale? 

  • Priority sale tickets go on sale Friday May 2nd at 6:00pmEST. This will require you to use a priority code to purchase – see below for more information
  • Friday May 23rd at 6:00pmEST, tickets are on sale with no limitations, provided the show isn’t sold out.
  • Online Sales End Friday June 6th at 6pm

How Many Tickets Can I Purchase?

  • Each family will be given a Priority Code that will allow you to purchase up to 8 tickets total, from May 2nd 6:00pm – May 23rd 6:00pm in any combination, across the 3 performances.
    • For example, the Jane Family could choose to purchase 3 tickets for the Saturday 4:00pm show, and 5 tickets for the Sunday 1:00pm show, while the Doe Family could choose to purchase 8 tickets for the Saturday 12:00pm show.
  • 6:00pm on Friday May 23rd – the Priority Code Requirement/8-ticket limit will be lifted, and any additional tickets can be purchased for any show online through Friday June 6th at 6:00pm.

How Do I Buy Tickets/Get My Priority Code?

  • On Tuesday April 29th you will be receiving an email from “” with a unique to you 5-digit Priority Code. This will be sent to the primary email we have on file at TDC. The code will allow you access to purchase your tickets during the May 2nd- May 23rd period.
  • Each code can be used as many times as needed until the 8-ticket limit has been maximized.
    • For example, you purchased 4 tickets using the priority code. Two days later Aunt June says she will be in town and would like to go to the show. You can use the code again to purchase an additional seat for her- you do not need to wait until May 29th when the restrictions are lifted.
  • The email will also include the direct link to the ticketing site, and here it is in case you’d like to bookmark it early: COMING SOON!
  • If you do not receive an email with your code by Wednesday April 30th – please email [email protected] and she will assist you.
  • Online sales end Friday June 6th at 6pm

How Much Do Tickets Cost ?

  • Saturday 6/7 12:00pm show – $20 + tax and ticket fee
  • Saturday 6/7 4:00pm – $25 + tax and ticket fee
  • Sunday 6/8 1:00pm – $25 + tax and ticket fee

Will There Be Tickets at the Door?

Yes, if seats are available, tickets will be on sale cash only at the door

  • Saturday 1:00pm- $25
  • Saturday 4:00pm – $30
  • Sunday 12:00pm – $30

What is the Refund/Exchange Policy?

  • There are no refunds on ticket purchases, however if seats are available exchanges can be made if tickets were purchased for the wrong show in error, as long as it’s not sold out.

Who does not need to purchase a ticket?

  • If you’re going to volunteer to work the entire performance backstage and help not only your dancer, but others as well, you do not need to purchase a ticket for that show you are volunteering for. When your dancer goes on stage for their routines you will be able to enter the audience from the side door and watch them perform. Volunteer information can be found above or visit here to sign up.
  • Dance With Me parents/guardians performing in the Saturday 12:00pm show do not need to purchase tickets.
  • Anyone under the age of 2, that will be sitting on a lap do not need a ticket. If they are in their own seat, they will need a ticket.

  Everyone else will need a ticket if they plan to occupy a seat for any duration of the show. Wheelchairs are allowed in wheelchair labeled spaces. Strollers/car carriers are not permitted in the audience.

Recital Hair & Makeup

Hair for all dancers should be low bun, with a middle part. Makeup should be neutral/natural colors.

Need help with your dancer’s hair?
Hair Fairies will be available at the recitals! Cost is $5 paid to your hair fairy directly. If your dancer is getting their hair done by a hair fairy, for sanitary purposes, please bring your own hairbrush/materials needed to make their bun – hair ties, bobby pins, hair net, gel, hair spray.

Hair Fairies schedule will be shared soon & then you can reserve a time with them!

Dressing Rooms

Saturday 12:00pm show: Dance with Me classes will be in 1 of the rooms behind the stage. All other dancers will be in the gym organized by their classes.

Saturday 4:00pm & Sunday 1:00pm Shows: There are 2 rooms behind the stage (the band & chorus room) one will be for the boys’ changing room, the other for a quick changing room for those with 2 numbers or less to change. All other dancers will be in the gym.

Dancers are welcome to bring some activities and snacks with them backstage in addition to the coloring pages we’ll have set up for them. Please make sure the snacks are as mess free as possible – water (dries clear when it spills!) no red juices, no cheetos (orange fingers +costumes =sad day) – pretzels, crackers, apple slices, goldfish, water, etc are all great choices. Send in electronics at your own risk, Volunteers and TDC Staff are not responsible if they get misplaced or broken.

Recital Volunteer Sign Up

Volunteer Sign Up Sheet will open in May!

If you would like to be a classroom parent for the younger dancers & help change shoes, help older dancers backstage, help the boys dressing room, be a ticket taker, program distributer or be a “Hair Fairy”, where you’d help dancers with their hair before the start of the show, please sign up using this form:

  • Ticket Taker Volunteers: Check tickets prior to the show
  • Program Distributers/Ushers: Give out programs and provide seat finding assistance prior to the start of the show
  • Hair Fairies: Help dancers with their stage ready hair style prior to the start of the show
  • Class Moms/Backstage helpers: These volunteers will be backstage during the show assisting dancers with shoes, schedule, costumes, line ups. When their dancer is performing they can watch from the side of the audience and do not need to purchase a ticket for the performance they’re volunteering for. Volunteers are expected to help any dancer that needs it.